Greens defend our NHS

We are here today to support the Clinical Support workers at Arrowe Park hospital. They provide vital services. They are defending our NHS. They’re just asking for fair pay, backdated to when it should be.

The Green Party support a fully funded, publicly provided NHS - providing health services from cradle to the grave.

These workers, clinical support workers, here at Arrowe Park hospital, they are at the front line, providing that service for everybody, free at the point of use. They're defending the NHS for our children and our grandchildren.

The Green Party would also extend NHS provision to things like prescriptions, dentistry and mental health.

We'd also help to create a healthy environment for everybody to live in, through a Clean Air Act, through restrictions on advertising for unhealthy food and alcohol and through promoting walking and cycling.


Not In My Name


Jo Bird selected as Green candidate for Birkenhead MP